Saturday, May 19, 2012


So, last night, at 11.15pm at night, I had a major breakdown. This completely came out of nowhere. One minute I was lying there, perfectly content to go to sleep and the next I'm in tears.

Now, this has never been an unusual occurrence- it usually happens maybe once or twice a month (although not usually in the middle of the night); but in the past month, it's fairly common for me to abruptly burst into tears. At first I attributed it to a mixture of coming off holiday and Wicked high (trust me, that's normal). But now I'm getting a little worried there's more to it.

I'm not even sure I know what started it, I wasn't thinking about anything that was the cause of the tears.

But all of a sudden, I'm crying my eyes out and thinking about... well, everything. It was mostly two main issues.

The first is that I miss people. I miss my family, my friends and home. Which is ridiculous, because my parents will be out here on Tuesday for two days for my birthday. But I talked to my mum last night and it came up that my dad is not a phone person (he's really not). Mum said that dad is a phone person when he wants to be- when he calls you.
Which is the point. He doesn't call me. My mum doesn't call me. My siblings definitely do not call me.
Mum said that she doesn't call because she figures I'll call when I have something to say.

But I rarely get phone calls. Most of my communication these days seems to be through twitter. I have great friends on Facebook, mostly from uni, who I really miss but the closest we come to talking is maybe a status comment or like. And don't get me wrong, that's definitely my fault as much as theirs, but still...I miss people.

Then there's my lack of car and driving ability and I'm still waiting for them to arrange to bring my car out here (and register it). There's people here who have said once my car is out here, they'll take me driving, but I still need to get the car out here. I want to drive, I want to finish my hours, because I think once I'm able to drive, I might feel less completely isolated.

And then there's school. I'm still finishing my programs (I'm down to one though which is good). I have a pile of marking and then there's reports and all that is before lesson prep. On top of that, I have to worry about accreditation stuff, which is confusing and nerve-wracking.

I'm kind of feeling like I'm drowning at the moment.

And there's times when I'm worried that I'm failing. People keep telling me how proud they are of me, and how brave I am for what I'm doing. I don't feel brave, I feel like I'm sucking.

I miss writing. And reading. I don't have the energy or motivation to do that much lately and I miss it. But I just can't get inspired to do so. All I have the energy to do is watch DVDs or TV.


  1. Hey, everything will be ok:-) you don't know me, and well I don't know you, but you are a wonderful person. Yes, living on your own is tough, especially away from family and friends, but you're Elphaba (in a way, mix her with Hermione and there ya go). Just remember, you are extraordinary! You're unveiling a new chapter, and it will get better:-D
    Lots of Love and Good Luck,
    An avid vinkunwildflowerqueen reader:-)

  2. The best way to feel better is to believe the compliments you get. You are talented and clever, so don't let life get to you. For every valley, there is a mountaintop. This is just a transition point in your life that you have to adjust to.

  3. Don't be afraid to cry, don't be afraid to talk to us girls on twitter about anything you need to, Carlie! I know what it's like to have random breakdowns, and also what it's like to have no motivation whatsoever. You have lots of people that love you, including us and your family, even though sometimes when they don't ring you or speak to you for a while, it seems like they may not. They do. And so do all your friends. Remember that :)
    And it's your birthday in three days!! Cheer up, just coz you're getting old doesn't mean you should be sad ;)
    I love you Carlie, and am always here for you, just as you're always here for me :) xxx

  4. Sometimes you just need to cry everything out. I know how you feel! Things build up, little things, like for you, your parents not calling etc. Those things build up and then at one point you just snap. And the best remedy is to cry.

    Carlie, you are doing an amazing thing living out in "the middle of no where". You ARE brave for moving out there, with no family, no friends. Starting a whole new life. You are VERY brave. You are also very talented and passionate. So don't let little things get you down.

    "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else; For everything you gain, you lose something else. Its about your out look on life. You can either regret or rejoice"

    I love you, Carlie. I am ALWAYS here if you want to talk! Your birthday is in 2 days!! Be happy :) xxx
