Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My 21st year in review

Today is my last day as a 21 year old.

And as excited as I am for my birthday tomorrow (because who doesn't like birthdays?) and am excited to see what the 22nd year of my life will bring, I thought it only made sense to reflect upon my year of 21.

21 has always had that big symbolic meaning to it. I know in some places, like the US, being 21 means you can legally drink. In Australia, it really means nothing, but it's still a big deal.

But as I planned my 21st birthday party, I never expected everything that would happen during the year. So, here, in a convenient dot-point format, is a list of the big things (good and bad) that happened to me as a 21-year old.

  • My party was awesome. It was a month after my actual birthday, because I wanted to be able to enjoy my party and hence waited until I was on holidays from uni to have it. But I had the majority of my family and friends and people who were important in my life in the one room, which was amazing. I felt so loved and so blessed to have these wonderful people in my life, and I still feel that way. The theme was England (because that's my favourite country- after Australia, of course- even if I haven't been there yet), and I got to go as Elizabeth Bennett. My dress, made by my best friend, Kristel, was fantastic (and green) and it was an amazing night. Having my grandparents there was really special too. My grandad was very sick and probably shouldn't have been travelling, but he insisted on making the 4 hour trip for my birthday, which means the world to me now and I will always have that memory as the strongest proof of how much he loved me.
  • I made some of my best friends. I never had real friends until I started going to church when I was 15 and they soon became like family. I had my first true best friend when I met Kristel my first year of uni; but I've never really had a large group of close friends. Until now. Of course, there was the wonderful group of friends I made at uni last year- although for some reason we didn't all come together until second semester... but Erin, Lisa, Lauren, Sarah and Matt are all awesome and I am so grateful for them all and I miss them now! Then there was my twitter friends. First I met Julia and Lauren via fanfiction and twitter, and it took us a while to get used to the time difference between here and the US. It was pretty much exactly a year ago that we started our constant twitter conversations and it was June when Julia created the first chat room (I remember, because I was on prac at that time and it was not long before my birthday party). Then in August I met Kelly and Alana in Perth. At the time, it was just making polite conversation at the Wicked Stage Door, because it's an awkward silence otherwise. And then Kelly found me on Facebook and twitter and the rest is history! I never imagined that Kelly and I would end up going to Singapore together, but I'm so thrillified it's worked out this way! Then not long after, I met the rest of my Twitter girls, who are all beautiful and supportive friends and I love you all- Liana, Bianca, Shauna, Michaela and all the others who have joined our little group over the months, I love you all and I'm so thankful for your friendship.
  • Graduating Uni. I decided when I was seven I wanted to be a teacher, and I finally achieved my goal. Knowing I've done it and stuck to it and made something of myself feels really good, even if at times I doubt myself. Teaching is so much more than I dreamed, both in good ways and bad; but best of all, it's great knowing I'm done with assignments and studying!
  • Getting a teaching job and moving out of home. This has only been the second hardest thing about being 21. I'm loving having my own space, but being so completely on my own is taking some getting used to. I never imagined I'd miss my family or home so much! But I'm trying to make the most of this year hear and my students are all wonderful kids who I'll always be fond of because they're my first students (all six of them, haha).
  • My grandfather died. This was the hardest thing, and it's still hard now. He was very sick for a long time, but actually losing him was something I don't think you can ever be prepared for. I miss him a lot, especially with tomorrow. It was like a punch in my gut yesterday when I got a birthday card from my grandmother in the mail and it was just from Grandma, not the "love Grandma and Grandad" I've gotten every other year. I still go to say "Grandma and Grandad" before I remember that now it's just Grandma. It makes me so much more thankful that I got to share my 21st birthday party with him.
  • My first overseas trip. As stressful as airports are, I love flying. And I never imagined I'd ever go to Singapore- the things I do for Wicked! But for my first overseas trip, it was perfect. I loved Singapore, and spending the trip with Kelly and Wicked was awesome. It was so much more than I imagined the trip to be, and I'm so glad I went! Looking forward to more now (New Zealand in 2013, guys. Start saving)!
  • Seeing Wicked another 4 times and meeting the cast. Perth in August and 3 times in Singapore. I love this show so much and Perth was so special getting to see it with my parents, meet Kelly and Alana and meet Jemma, David and Lucy. But seeing it in Singapore, with someone who is just as obsessed as I am, front row (for two shows) and 3 times and meeting the cast, getting photos, signatures, hugs and learning that they are all pretty much the nicest people in the world... I have no words.
(I may add to this over time if I remember things I should have written).

I'm so excited to see what being 22 will bring!


  1. Woah, you have had a big year! Things good and bad will just make you a better person! I am actually excited for your birthday! It's really exciting! And thank you Carlie, for mentioning me! :) I will start making your birthday speech ;) (but seriously, I will)

    LOVE YOU! I am excited! <3

  2. Wow. You busy girl! Thankyou for the mention, I love you too and don't know what I would do without you and the other girls!
    I hope you have an amazing, special birthday tomorrow, because you deserve it! Here's to the next 22! I've started a list of things you're going to have in your year of being 22!!
    (In no particular order):
    1. MEETING ME!!!
    2. Going to Sydney to see LEGALLY BLONDE!
    3. Witnessing me proposing to LUCY!
    4. Going out and getting drunk and dancing on a table in a bar with LUCY!
    5. Yeah, that's all I've got, I think...
    Love you lots and lots Carlie!!!
