Friday, February 13, 2015

The Most Convenient Definitions: Galinda's Story

In Chapter 4 of The Most Convenient Definitions, everyone revealed why they were in detention and a few secrets.

Galinda's, it seems (according to the reviews), caught everyone's attention- in a good way!

If you haven't read it yet, but you've somehow stumbled across this post, you can read it here. We'll wait.

Actually, while we wait and before I forget, if you want to see the video I mentioned in the AN of Chapter 5, you can find it here

Ok, so, Galinda's secret. She revealed that the reason she came to Shiz, was because her alternative option was to get married. Her parents even had someone in mind- an associate of her father's. I gave the excuse that her parents were older than most, and wanted to know Galinda would be taken care of if something happened to them.

To me, this has always been a possibility of Galinda's background. Maybe it was the "Momsie and Popsicle" thing or that Galinda is obviously rather spoilt.

So Galinda came to Shiz, avoiding marriage, and kinda hoping she might be able to find a husband amongst her classmates.

As a few people have mentioned to me, it puts Galinda's "Fiyero and I are going to be married [despite the fact I only met him a few hours ago]" in a new light. I thought so too, obviously; although I do also think Galinda is just a hopeless romantic who knows what she wants. Fiyero meets her ideal, so she immediately decides this must be it. That's my interpretation of her anyway.

The thing is that Galinda's family is wealthy. And typically, wealthy girls didn't have careers. They either got married, or went to university (often to find a husband) and then got married. There's even a trope for it. The idea just made sense to me.

My headcanon for Galinda is that she's a debutante, did a year or so of finishing school before Shiz.

And for those of you who read the book (yes, I know, I don't typically take from the Wicked book, but I have on occasion), Galinda does marry someone much older than her, and very wealthy, Sir Chuffrey.

So to me it seemed plausible that this was a very real option for Galinda; and I thought it would make a good secret for Galinda and to reveal as a crack in her "perfect" life.

I'm glad it was so well received!

Video: Works in Progress

Here's a video about all the Wicked fics I have planned, but done a little differently!

I used (basically super fancy power points) and Screencast-O-Matic (something new I was trying out) to make this. It was fun.