Saturday, November 24, 2012

Wicked Merchandise

This is for my friend Jas, who wanted to see all my Wicked merchandise, and I realised this was the best way to do it.
I think this is everything, I went through my whole house to make sure I didn't miss anything. It looks like more than it is, I have friends who have more than this, but we here go:

My WICKED puzzle- still incomplete after 2 weeks because the black bits are really hard!

Poster from Sydney

all my WICKED stuff. Down the front are my t-shirts, hoodie, jacket, programs and 2013 calendar

Close up of the other stuff- hats, mugs, jewellery, books, CDs, glitter globes, Chistery, laynard, magnet, keychain, pen, notebook.

The ozsome canvas my friend Nerrida gave me as a moving/housewarming present.

The streamers are from No one mourns the Wicked. I picked them up  in Singapore.

Friday, November 23, 2012

What I'm Thankful For

Australia does not celebrate Thanksgiving. But pretty much every Australian would probably be able to tell you what it is, when it is and the point of it all (besides turkey).
This is because Australia gets so much American movies and TV shows, we can't help but not know. I don't know if this would work in reverse... having Australian shows/movies to teach Americans about Australia...

Anyway, my point is that we (Australia) are not celebrating Thanksgiving this week, but I have a few friends and know many more who are (Because they are American). And even though I don't celebrate it, I think the central idea behind the day- saying what we are thankful for- is something that we should all do, regardless of holidays and turkeys.

So, here is my list of what I am thankful for:

  1. God- because He has led me to some amazing people, places and experiences this year; and I can't not be thankful for Him.
  2. My family-This has been a strange year. My first year living out of home and being so far away from my family and then my grandfather dying and my cousin getting married... I don't know that I've ever been more thankful for my family. Yes, some family members at time bug the crap out of me- but isn't that the point? 
  3. My friends- Whilst I am thankful for all my friends, because if life has done nothing else, it's taught me to appreciate real friendships, I am referring to two specific groups of my friends in particular: my church family friends, and my twitter friends. Like I said, being so far away from home is not easy. But it's lovely to be able to go home on rare occasions and go to church and be made to feel like nothing's changed at all and most importantly (to me, perhaps somewhat selfishly), to know that despite being so far away, I am thought of and missed. And my wonderful twitter friends, all over the country, and in some cases, the world. Who are there to talk pretty much any time of the day, someone's bound to be up! Who I can talk about anything with, and who I am myself with perhaps more than anyone. These two groups of my friends have been a huge tower of strength and support and love for me this year, and I'm so thankful for each and every one.
  4. Wicked- I am expanding this a little, just because so much is related. I don't mean I am thankful for the musical, but I am thankful for what the musical has brought to my life. Wicked has brought me the chance to see another country (Singapore), and meet the most amazing people- both the cast members and the beautiful friends I've made via Wicked. The show, characters, music and cast have also inspired me to write 28 Wicked fan fictions (not counting the one I'm currently writing) which in turn has led me to meet awesome people from all over the world as they read and review my fics.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Anthony Warlow is a musical theatre legend in Australia, and he's just made his Broadway debut playing Daddy Warbucks in the Broadway revival of Annie.

I was curious, so I Googled reviews, hoping to hear what they thought of him. And it's wonderful news!

From Hollywood reporter
"Perhaps the most distinguishing element in this production, however, is Australian musical-theater and opera veteran Warlow’s impressive Broadway debut as Daddy Warbucks, the industrialist who discovers the gentle joys of parenthood. The actor has tremendous stage chemistry with Crawford, and his pristine baritone makes “Something Was Missing” an unexpectedly moving high point."
And from The Wall Street Journal
"As for Mr. Warlow, an Australian musical-theater performer with extensive operatic experience, he's destined for stage stardom. Not only does he sing "Something Was Missing," his solo number, with bewitching finesse—vocal connoisseurs will be dazzled by his skillful use of head voice—but he acts as well as he sings. Moreover, he and Ms. Crawford have terrific onstage chemistry, so much so that you'll have no trouble believing that they love one another."
As a proud Australian, this makes me super happy! Anthony Warlow is such a huge talent, and a lovely guy so I'm glad Broadway is appreciating his talent!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Wicked links

Just a few links to articles relating to Wicked I've found and wanted to share.

1. 5 Reasons The Greatest Movie Villain Ever is a "Good" Witch: I never ever get tired of reading this article. Of course, if I had read this before seeing Wicked, I probably would have been like "No. Just No." But after seeing Wicked, it's funny. Because in some ways, the author has a point!
Anyway, it was this article that led me to finding, which is a hilarious website.

2. 9 Famous Movie Villains Who Were Right All Along: Again, if you had told me before I saw Wicked that the Wicked Witch in the Wizard of Oz might have had a point, I wouldn't have listened. But again, it's true!

3. This sums up every problem I have with the Wicked novel: Enough said.

Executive Decision

So, last night I found my original novel The People We Become that I started writing in 2010, and it was one of the many casualities of uni, fanfiction and Wicked.

I re-read it, and whilst I could see some definite improvements, it sounded to me like it has promise and therefore is not destined to end up on my "pile of crap" (yes, I have a pile. Actually, it's a plastic tub, but whatever. It's the graveyard for every novel I ever started to write, ok?).

So, I am making a decision. I currently have... I think about 11 fanfics in my "in progress" folder. 1 Anne of Green Gables, 1 Harry Potter (the same one I abandoned to write my first Wicked fanfic and have barely touched since) and 9 Wicked.

I have decided that once I finish writing all these, unless I get any brilliant ideas that I just have to write (it could happen!), I'm going to take a break from fanfiction to finish this novel.

Of course, I say this... it probably won't happen, but it might be one-shots for a while.

Speaking of fanfiction, I honestly do not think 40 Weeks will be up in 2012. I am sad about this, but given that it's mid-November and I'm only halfway through... it doesn't look great.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Literary heroines

So, last week I saw a post on one of my favourite websites about literary heroines. It was all about those heroines in literature that we adore, for whatever reason. For me, it's usually because I can relate to them or they are everything I want to be.

And of course, this is a topic that draws me in immediately. I commented, but wanted to share my list here too. So here is my list, copied and pasted from my original comment on the post:

My Literary Heroines

Anne Shirley- I have literally grown up with Anne and every time I re-read them, I relate to her more at a different time in her life. I'm just waiting for my Gilbert Blythe! (AN. I will also accept a Fiyero. I'm not picky). 

Elizabeth Bennet- I love Lizzie! Enough said. Does anyone else watch the Lizzie Bennet Diaries on YouTube? I recommend them to all P&P fans!!

Jo March- again, a character I relate so much to and have grown with. Actually, there's been times I've related to all the March girls- except for Amy, for some reason.

Hermione Granger- to a 10 year old girl with buck teeth and who loved reading and school and never really had any friends, Hermione became my best friend. I loved watching her grow into this brilliant, confident young woman and witch!

Also- (maybe crossing a line here!) I'm going to add my #1 heroine- Elphaba Thropp. But I want to go with the musical version of Elphaba, not the book! But I'm claiming her! LOL. (AN. I can't not have Elphaba on my list, even though I am going with the musical not the book. There's no one I idolise more than Elphaba). 

The heroine from Rebecca- although she's never named and we learn so little about her, I could easily relate to her insecure nature and low self-esteem and my heart went out to her as she struggled to find her feet and taking Rebecca's place.

Ellie Linton- from John Marsden's Tomorrow series. Ellie's so strong and she goes through so much and I love these books.

And last but not least (until I think of more and kick myself for forgetting them earlier)- Trixie Belden. I read and loved both Trixie and Nancy Drew, but preferred Trixie just because Nancy was always so perfect! Trixie hated maths, had a temper, fought with her siblings and had a not-so-secret crush on her best friend's brother. LOL

Anyone else have someone they want to add?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Defining Characters

Fanfiction has many merits, and a few... challenges as a writer.

One of these is that when writing your own original fiction, as opposed to fan fiction, you create your own characters. It's like playing Sims (coming from a person who will spend 2 days setting up my characters and house and then get bored a week later and start all over again)- you pick their appearance, traits, everything. And because you've created them, you can create their thought process too and it's so easy to say "well, this is what Person X would think and react to this situation."

Whereas in fan fiction, because the audience knows the characters as well as the writer, there can be disputes of "I don't think Person X would do that, because of reasons Y and Z."

In something like Wicked, where we only have a limited space to get to know the characters, even though we have other sources we can draw information and inspiration from (in this case, the Wicked novels and The Wizard of Oz), the challenge is that there is still so much we don't know.

The musical doesn't give us the time or the means to delve deeply into the character's deepest thoughts and personality; so often what comes up is that writer's take the brief glance we get and dig their own course beneath the surface.

Now, I find this a great thing. I love reading people's different interpretations of Elphaba and Fiyero, etc. Sometimes it can lead to great discussions, and you can think of things you never thought of/noticed before.

I've never really had any trouble empathising with people, so it's a skill that works for me as a writer because I can easily think "This is how Elphaba would think/react if this happened."

But this is just my interpretation. And honestly, I would love to be able to sit down with a bunch of Wicked actors and just talk about the characters and their motiviations/thoughts, etc. Because to be able to play the characters convincingly on stage, they have to think about all this stuff. Being able to sit around and talk with people who had played these characters I'm writing about would be a dream come true. I could easily spend hours having these conversations.

My point is, that I'm always looking for ways to explain the characters. And because of this, a part of me still regrets never doing psychology at uni (I wanted to, but then I found out there was maths involved, so... yeah, that wasn't going to happen).

Today I came across this blog, where an author takes apart and analyses the first chapter of successful books. This post was on the Hunger Games. But it was this phrase for me, which really reminded me of Elphaba:

"Katniss is a tough cookie, but only because she has no other choice. She has accepted her burden, but it has left her a cold person with defences fully raised."
To me, this fits for Elphaba. In Act 1, she is the way she is because of her childhood. She has to be strong, independant and self-reliant because it's her job to raise Nessa and Oz knows she can't rely on her father to be there for her.
Because of her skin, she's used to being alone so she keeps her defences up. In Act 2, she has to because she's the Wicked Witch of the West.

Quite often, I hear the same comment on people's Wicked fanfics- they have trouble with Elphaba being vulnerable and emotional (unless that emotion is anger). But there's been some instances I've seen where as soon as Elphaba sheds a tear, she's deemed as OOC (Out Of Character).

Which I don't think is neccessarily true. I don't think Elphaba is emotional as say, me, who cries at the drop of a hat, but she's not devoid of emotion. She keeps her feelings hidden to protect herself, but she still feels.

(Another pet peeve is when people portray Fiyero as dumb. He's not stupid (well, not really stupid ;) Sorry I had to do that!), he just doesn't put the effort in. Is he as smart as Elphaba? No, but he's not an idiot either. He just acts like an idiot. Yes, sometimes I have Fiyero say dumb things. But we all say dumb things at times and that doesn't make us dumb. It just means we need to think before we speak).

So... my point... actually, I just wanted to share that Hunger Games quote and then rambled on about characters for a while. So I guess I don't have one.

But honestly, the chance to sit around with Idina Menzel, Kristin Chenoweth, Jemma Rix, David Harris, [insert really long list of every actor I like who's been in Wicked here] and talk just about Elphaba, Fiyero and Glinda... would be the most amazing day of my life.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Computer Update

OK, so apparently what happened was my hard drive died. Now, when I first heard those words, you can imagine my panic.

But the guy who was looking at it has been running a program on it, and he said as long as none of the files were damaged when the hard drive crashed, everything should be recovered.

So, what does this mean? Well, I'm getting a new hard drive (far cheaper than buying a new computer- although I'll most likely have to look into that in the next year or so. It's already 3 yrs old and a laptop's life isn't terribly long).

The plan is to pick it up, and check everything. Hopefully if I've lost anything, it's not much and things that can be easily replaced.


Thanks to everyone who sent prayers and well wishes. Especially when I'm living so isolated, my laptop is my lifeline (seriously- that question about "what would you save if you woke up and the house was on fire?" My answer would be LAPTOP!).

I'll keep you posted on what (if anything) was lost- so if you want to keep your fingers crossed that answer is "nothing", I won't say no!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A favour to ask

OK, believe me when I know how dumb this sounds. I know it's stupid and in the grand scheme of things, probably not that important. And I know some of you don't have any belief in God at all and this is going to sound even dumber than it already does.

But I have a favour to ask.

I am currently having computer issues.

Now, if I lose anything, I will be devastated. I have all my photos, music and so much stuff on this computer. Not least of all, my current in-progress fics.

This is the stuff that is most irreplacable. Most of my photos are on FB, most of my music backed up. Most of the in-progress fics are just summaries, except for my current one- 40 Weeks. I have checked and the most current backed-up copy I have found is up to chapter 17. I was, until now, on chapter 19. So, I could rewrite the last few chapters, but well... I was pretty happy with the first draft.

So, as lame and unimportant as this sounds, could you please- say a prayer, cross your fingers, wish on a star, whatever ... can we just send out some positive hope and karma that I can save all my stuff?

Monday, November 5, 2012

Delta: Top of my world

On Friday I went to Sydney to see Delta Goodrem in concert.

This was my 3rd time seeing Delta live and she's always amazing. And Friday night proved what I've always known- Delta is an absolute angel and the strongest, most amazing person I've ever met. She proved that she is so amazingly dedicated to her fans and so sweet- I didn't think it was possible to love her any more than I did, but I was proved wrong!

Rachael Leahcar was the supporting act, and it was really great to see how much she's grown from her time on The Voice. 

Delta was supposed to take the stage at 8:40, but she didn't come on until 9:15. We thought this was due to some kind of technical glitch.

Then Delta came on and was just... as amazing as she always is. And then she confessed that she was in a lot of pain, and had actually scalded her legs with boiling water earlier that day. She actually rolled up her pants and showed us the bandages on her legs. I was in row Q and they looked so painful.

Although she was supposed to be resting, she refused to cancel the show, saying that the very idea broke her heart. If she couldn't finish the show, she would try and see if the theatre had any more dates available to reschedule.

Of course right after saying all this, she sang "Safe to Believe" and I just cried. Because it's one of my favourite songs from the album, it's so beautiful and I was just blown away by the personal sacrifice she was making and how dedicated she was to making sure that we weren't let down.

And honestly, if she hadn't said anything, you wouldn't know she was in pain. She still sounded amazing, joked with the audience, danced on her piano and brought 2 people up on stage.

Delta dancing on her piano

Delta tried her hardest to get through the show, but had to give up because she felt like she was about to faint.

This was taken just before Delta had to give up- the pain got so bad.

And honestly, I wasn't disappointed. Well, a little because I'd been hoping to meet Delta and hearing her live is always incredible; but I was so amazed and grateful that she had even attempted to do the show- I mean, if it had been me, I would have been incapable of doing nothing more than curling up in a ball and crying.

And my main worry was that Delta was going to be okay. Thankfully, we've heard she's fine and able to do the Melbourne shows.

Delta's been my idol for ten years, and by this point, she feels more like a friend... who I've only ever met once... but still! I was really worried, because burns can be really serious, and I feel really relieved to know she's fine. And the part of the show we did get to see was still amazing.

Get well soon, Delta! We love you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Tweet from Delta Goodrem

Today it has been a year since I got a tweet from Delta Goodrem!

It is one of the greatest things that's ever happened to me. Which I know is crazy, because I've MET Delta, got a hug from her and a photo with her, but I got so excited over this tweet.

Probably because Delta was one of the main reasons I first joined twitter, and it took me three years to get a tweet from her, and I honestly wasn't even trying to get her to reply to this one. I never expected her to reply, and it was just... I was so happy.

And I'm seeing her live tomorrow night!! Can't wait! This will be only the third time I've seen Delta live, but she's always amazing.