Friday, August 14, 2015


My younger sister got engaged tonight!

Now, this is a good thing. A really good thing. (Hence the exclamation point). And I am genuinely super happy for her. She's my sister, naturally, and her fiancé (!!) is a great guy.

We're all really happy he's [officially] going to be part of our family, and hey, I finally kinda get the big brother I always wanted!

But I do admit to feeling a little upset.

Not that she's getting married before me- they've been together for 3 years in December, so we all knew this was coming at some point, and unless a few miracles occurred, I knew it was going to happen this way. (Although I am dreading any relatives who will feel the need to point out that she's getting married before me, as though I'm unaware of this fact. And I know my relatives. Some will feel the need to point this out.)

But I'm a little upset about the way I found out. I just got home for the weekend, walked in to say hello to my mum and she was on the phone talking to them.

Mum herself found out because my sister put it on Facebook, she rang her and then my sister rang back.

But it would have been nice to get even just a text message.

And this is just the way my sister is, I know, and it's not personal. But she's my sister and she's getting married. Mum told me tonight not to be upset if I'm not involved in the wedding. Honestly, if I was asked to be in the wedding, I'd be surprised. My sister has a lot of really close friends.

The other thing that bugs me is my paternal grandparents' reaction. She's the first grandchild on this side of the family that will be married. And the only reaction the news got was "Oh, that's nice."

For reasons unknown, they don't like my sister's fiancé, who has been nothing but pleasant and polite to them since they met. And I'm sure after their less-than-enthusiastic response to the news, they're going to tell all their friends about it as though they're thrilled.

And that really bugs me on my sister's behalf.

 When mum confirmed the news (after I heard "send me a picture of the ring" I pretty much had it figured out, but confirmation is always good) I was actually a little surprised that I wasn't upset that she was getting married before me.

But honestly, I've had a long time to accept that fact, and when I move around for work so much, and the very thought of someone showing romantic interest in me literally sends me into an anxiety attack (I have friends who can attest to this. I'm not exaggerating. This is fact), like I said, it would take a few miracles for me to get married first.

Anyway, I don't want to go on about this. Just had to vent a little so I can focus on the positives- my sister is getting married to someone we genuinely all like and who loves her and treats her well. That's all I can ask for really.