Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 Random Things about me

  1. I'm obsessed with Wicked (the musical) and Harry Potter.
  2. The toe next to my little toe is longer than my left foot than my right foot.
  3. I was right handed until I started school and my teacher thought I "looked more comfortable" writing with my left hand, so she switched me. 
  4. I still cut and do some things right handed.
  5. I get cold really easily.
  6. I gave up counting how many times I've read the Harry Potter books in Yr 7 when the tally for Goblet of Fire got over 100.
  7. I have a diary but often forget to actually write in it- mostly because I hide it (as is kind of the point with diaries). 
  8. I have about 5 key rings on one ring... and 2 keys. 
  9. Until I was 18, I was never anyone's best friend.
  10. I'm a hoarder. I once found a box that contained school assignments from as far back as Year 3, and a Yr 11 Economics exam.

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