Thursday, March 15, 2012

Writing habits... whether good or bad.

As a writer, you form habits. I guess whether they're good habits or bad habits depends on your interpretation.

For example, I never post anything until it's written. Of the 51 stories I've posted on since 2008, only one had begun to be posted before I finished it.

I do it this way for several reasons:

  1. As much as I'd love to be able to write every day, that doesn't always happen. Sometimes life gets in the way, sometimes I'm tired and/or uninspired to write, and sometimes... well, writer's block can be a bitch. 
  2. I am one of those writers who will get an idea whilst writing which requires the adding of a sentence here and there to link it to what I've already written.
  3. I suffer from what is known as "word vomit." Because 95% of what I've writing has been pictured and played out in my head before I type anything, when I do start typing, it all spills out from my brain to the page. Which a lot of the time means spelling and grammar mistakes, and sentences that quite frankly, make no sense in hindsight.
One thing I really love to include in my stories are details, and I like to try and make things as realistic as possible.

Which means there have been times when my writer's block is caused because I'm stuck on some small details. And I have trouble moving on until I have all these details worked out.

I also have a habit of never working on just one fic at a time. Even if I am only writing one at a time, there will be at least 3 or more in my "works in progress" folder on my computer, waiting for me to get to them. (I'm really not good when I have nothing to write). 

At the moment, I have 7 stories in my "in progress folder". 5 of those are Wicked related (of the other two, one is Anne of Green Gables and the other one is a Harry Potter one which I have written exactly 1 paragraph of since August 2010 when I started writing my first Wicked fanfiction- oops). 

The thing I'm most excited about seeing Wicked again- in 30 days! (besides actually seeing the show and meeting the cast again at the Stage Door) is that I always get a bunch of ideas after seeing the show. 

The second show (August 2010) inspired Ever Ever After; the third show in Brisbane brought me Falling In and Taking Chances; and the fourth show in August in Perth was the inspiration for Out of the Blue and Stranger to myself (which is still a work in progress).

Who knows what shows 5, 6 and 7 will bring!

I go through stages whether I write better at night or during the day. Sometimes I need music, sometimes I need silence. I guess it depends on my mindset at the time.

I suppose the longer I write the more habits I'll develop. 

Does anyone share these habits? Or have habits of your own you want to share?

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