Friday, March 30, 2012

Irrational flying fears?

So, in 13 days (insert me squealing loudly and annoyingly here) I will be taking my first international flight, from Australia to Singapore.

I've only been flying for a year, and as obvious from my first sentence, I've never flown out of the country.

And I love flying. Which surprised a lot of people who know me, including me. I'm not the biggest fan of heights; crowds, strange places and new experiences do tend to give me a mild anxiety attack; and there's times when I'm driving and 80 km/hr feels too fast (that's as fast as I can go on my L's).

But I really love it, and although airports stress me out, I've never had any problems actually flying.

Seriously, airports freak me out and are my main cause for anxiety and panic and stress.

Now I'm looking at a reasonably long flight to Singapore, and I'm not worried about the plane crashing or terrorists, or any of those things people who don't fly a lot usually worry about or that you would expect them to worry about.

I worry about things like being late (not an issue for me, because I'm insanely paranoid about being early, but still...); I worry about airlines losing my luggage (not that it's happened, but you hear so many stories); and I worry about dramas whilst checking in (again, it's not happened, but I worry).

Is this normal? Shouldn't I be more worried about technical difficulties and those horror stories that wind up on the news and in future Air Crash Investigation episodes?

I stress over things I can't control. And not things that are out of my control due to machines/technology/etc, but because of other people's actions. I repeat, is this normal??

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