Thursday, March 8, 2012

10 Facts about Disney and I

So, I'm 21 years old (and 9 months) and I still love Disney. Now, I'm proud of that and I know I'm not alone in this, but many people don't understand why (namely my family).

I guess the main reasons I love Disney are that they're based (mostly) on fairy tales; have amazing characters and stories; are hilarious; and the morals and stories never get old. As you get older, you can appreciate them on different levels.

But here are some fun facts about me and Disney:

  1. My favourite piece of music of all time (yes, even more than the Wicked soundtrack- I know, it's shocking) is called "The King of Pride Rock" from The Lion King. It's that piece of score from the end of the film when Simba is walking up Pride Rock to accept his place as king.
  2. My favourite song from The Little Mermaid is "Part of your world (reprise)". That's right. Not "Part of your world" but the reprise. Do not ask me why.
  3. My favourite Disney princess is Belle.
  4. When High School Musical first came out (and was being advertised everywhere) I spent days finding someone who had access to the Disney Channel to tape it for us, because I was dying to see it so bad. 
  5. I saw High School Musical 3 in cinemas twice.
  6. I have seen the Lion King in cinemas 5 times. 4 times when it was first released in 1994, and then again in 2011 when it was re-released in cinemas in 3D. 
  7. We have several Disney sing-along videos somewhere at home. Last year, I bought about 4 we didn't have because I wanted the collection (I'm still missing some. And we don't even have a VCR to play videos!) 
  8. I remember I was reading a Disney book the night I lost my first tooth (and I still have the book! Sadly, due to my little siblings, the book is not in good condition). 
  9. I used to still love watching Saturday Disney on weekends (when they still had good cartoons on- e.g. the Aladdin and Little Mermaid cartoons, House of Mouse and Kim Possible are my favourites).
  10. The House fic (where I started writing/publishing official fanfiction) that I'm most proud of is The Ultimate Sacrifice, inspired by Beauty and the Beast.
Disney is in that category (along with Wicked and Harry Potter) where you ignore any slight flaws and plot holes because of it's awesomeness and the mere magic is possesses (although I have a few Disney rants- like my previously blogged Beauty and the Beast issue, and also Pocahontas II). 

So, in case no one can tell, I'm on a Disney kick at the moment. And very tired and very bored. 

1 comment:

  1. Disney's such a legend! 'Lion King' is one of my favourite films of all time. Oh, and over the past few days I've been listening to 'Part of your World' over and over again - the Broadway version but still. In love with that song now. I have to confess though, I've never actually seen 'The Little Mermaid'. That's quite bad. I really should watch it... :P
