Friday, April 6, 2012

Real World Magic

When you think of "magic", what springs to mind? Magic wands, wizards, invisbility, flying, brooms, Hogwarts... you get the point.

People love talking about what they'd do if magic was real. And don't get me wrong, it'd be very convenient- like Apparition, for example.

But there IS magic in the real world. Here's a few of what springs to mind when I think about what I consider to be "real world magic."

  1. Music
In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Dumbledore says "Ah, music! A magic beyond all we do here."
Totally true. Music has the ability to change our mood in an instant. There is nothing more magical than live music- it's part of why I love theatre and musicals. Or being part of a crowd singing the same song. Studies have shown how your mood and minds are affected when you listen to songs you love and don't love. 

For me, Delta Goodrem and Wicked are things that instantly make me feel better when I listen to them.
And whilst we're on the subject of Delta (conveniently ;P) her new single Sitting on top of the world hit radio (and hence the internet) yesterday, the film clip today and it's AMAZING.

Listen to it!!! (Yes, I can work Delta into almost anything. Same with Wicked and Harry Potter. It's a gift). 

      2. Hugs
Who doesn't love hugs? And they're medically good for you! (OK, I learned this on Grey's Anatomy but Google confirmed! It's something to do with your nervous system...)
But hugs can make you feel happy when you're sad, or you just don't know what to do. 
Best of all, they make you feel loved.

   3. Hot showers
Not just showers, but baths.... basically anything heat related! They take away stress, get you warm (and clean- always important!). Plus, I don't know about anyone else, but I always find the shower a great place to think! 

    4. Chocolate
It's endorphins! (and delicious).

Anything else people want to add to the list?

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