Friday, January 3, 2014

My Top 10 TV Weddings

I really love weddings. I know, you're all shocked by this. No one would have guessed this, right?

This means that even though I've only ever been to 7 weddings in my life (actually 6. 2 cousins, 2 uncles, 2 friends. But I'm going to my 7th wedding in April- another cousin), I have watched a lot through movies and TV.

If there's a show I only kinda watch, or I vaguely know, there are three things that will get me watching- a birth, a death or a wedding.

So, I thought I'd do a countdown of my favourite TV weddings! Starting with #10 (obviously), and working my way up to my absolute favourite TV wedding.

10. Howard and Bernadette "The Big Bang Theory"
This one makes the list because even though the wedding itself, as in the vows, isn't overly romantic, I do love the whole thing about having the wedding on the rooftop so they'll be on Google Earth. Because that is awesome. And I loved that all their friends helped officiate the wedding, even Sheldon with his Klingon. It's sweet.

9. Phoebe and Mike "Friends"
An impromptu street wedding in the snow! I don't really like snow (it's too cold and wet), but I like the way snow looks on TV and in the movies... it makes everything so pretty. And magical looking. I love this wedding because the vows are so sweet. Phoebe is such a... unique character and I loved her and Mike together. The wedding was so appropriate for them as a couple.

8. Angela and Hodgins "Bones"
I'm talking about Angela and Hodgins' actual wedding, not the one that got called off at the last second because she was already married. You may not think a wedding in a jail cell would be romantic, but it is. Angela and Hodgins went through a lot before finally getting married, and once again, the wedding suits them as a couple; and it definitely suits Angela's personality, her being the free spirit that she is.

7. Melinda and Jim "Ghost Whisperer" 
Technically, it's Melinda and Jim's spirit in "Sam's" body, but well... yeah. I love this one, even though you don't see the whole thing, because it was a surprise wedding. I would never want a surprise wedding, but it's sweet. Plus, the fact it was in the middle of the street in the spot where Jim and Melinda first met- that I love. I love all that sentimental stuff.

6. Monica and Chandler "Friends"
Monica and Chandler. Two best friends who fell in love and got married. That's incredibly romantic even without Chandler overcoming his commitment issues. Rachel has always been my favourite of the Friends girls, but I think I'm the most like Monica- without the neat freak things. And I can't really cook. And Chandler is always my favourite Friends guy.
The vows were perfect, and anything officiated by Joey is hilarious. The whole wedding was elegant and classy, and I love it.

5. Nathan and Haley "One Tree Hill"
I love both of Nathan and Haley's weddings, but I'm focusing on their vow renewal in season 3. All the drama of that episode aside (who's pregnant? And of course, the giant car crash off a bridge), it was such a beautiful episode. Nathan and Haley had overcome so much in seasons 2 and 3. Plus, Lucas gave Haley away because her parents didn't come back for it! One of my favourite things about One Tree Hill was Lucas and Haley's friendship. 

4. Lily and Marshall "How I Met Your Mother"
I adore Lily and Marshall. And their wedding was no different. I loved Barney officiating, despite his complete disbelief in marriage as a concept and the fact that he cried while marrying them, haha. As Future Ted says, it was the perfect, intimate wedding they always wanted. Their vows were sweet and showed everything them as a couple.
Also, Marshall's line of "Hat. We thought of authentic native american headdress before we thought of hat," always makes me laugh.

3. Piper and Leo "Charmed"
You guys, Piper's mum's ghost got to come to her wedding. That gets me every time. I love Piper and Leo. I started watching Charmed in season 5, so I already knew they were married and the story behind it. But every time I watch it, it feels like I'd been watching from the beginning and waiting for them to get to this moment.
A witch marrying an angel, with the wedding officiated by a ghost. How is that not romantic? Haha. I can live without the Prue storyline of that episode though (not a huge Prue fan. Although Paige was in it for 2 seasons longer than Prue and I'm still not sure if I like her. Piper was always my favourite, and I like Phoebe... until the show seemed to be all about her. But that's a whole other issue).

2. Lucas and Peyton "One Tree Hill"
Gosh, Lucas and Peyton. Where do I start? Lucas marrying the girl of his dreams, that he foretold in the eight grade that he'd marry her one day (before they'd even spoken). And like so many other couples on this list, they'd overcome so much to get to the point of their wedding day.
And Peyton being pregnant with their daughter, with a potentially life-threatening condition; and Haley performing the ceremony... it was just perfect.

1. Booth and Brennan "Bones"
This has to be number one. You can say whatever you like about the show, that Brennan and Booth never should have gotten together, whatever. But Bones has the best character development, maybe ever. Brennan is so firmly anti-marriage in the beginning of the series, and watching her slowly let Booth in over the years and change her mind about it all... to see her at that altar in a wedding dress is such a great moment.
The vows were absolutely perfect, and I loved all the little references to the show's past.
There is not a more perfect TV wedding in my mind.

What are some of your favourite TV weddings? 

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