Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Sometimes I'm pretty sure my siblings hate me.

OK, maybe I'm being overdramatic. But it does feel that way sometimes. Not my brother, I hear from him the most and we have the most in common. I'm usually pretty up to date on his life.

But my sisters... they don't seem to want anything to do with me. One sister won't even be my Facebook friend. The last time I spoke to her was in October.

And it just... it sucks. Not just because I (shockingly) take an interest in their lives and well-being, but one day our parents are going to be dead, and it'll be just us.
I don't want to only hear from them on birthdays and holidays.

I'm not saying we have to be best friends, but some kind of relationship would be nice besides "everything you like is stupid", which seems to be the current official line.

People always go off at movies for creating unrealistic ideals for relationships. We're all agreed that we should just be allowed to marry fictional characters, because they're clearly the best guys.
But it's not just the romantic relationships they do this with. Family relationships, whether siblings or parents, usually fall into two categories.

Either they're BFFs, or the sibling/parent/whoever is like... the Devil incarnate.

There are some that are painted more realistically and bridge the gap, but often it's one extreme or the other.

My sisters are not the devil. One can certainly be a bitch at times, but they're not evil. But we're definitely not BFFs either.

I know that we're very different people. My two sisters are much more alike, than either of them are with me. But I take an interest in their lives, the things they like, even if I don't like them. But my sisters just dismiss me, and dismiss everything I like. And it hurts.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there - if your siblings are younger than you, it may be because they are still emotionally (and relationship-wise) immature. If they're older - well, clearly they're still immature. Hopefully, as your sisters get older, they'll be more involved with you (I've certainly found this to be true!), but if not (and that's a big "if") - just keep reaching out. On a side note - I love your stories and am currently re-reading one ("Stranger to Myself") which prompted the visit to the blog. Can't wait for you to post a new story!

    ~poser16 (
