Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Please Explain

I have a question I hope people can explain to me, because I've noticed two terms being linked together, and I honestly don't see the connection: Delta Goodrem and bogan.

Now, this isn't a "Delta is so amazing and why don't people like her" post. I've ranted before about my pet hate of people saying they "hate" celebrities they don't know, etc. Whatever. To recap that- "if you don't like her music, that's fine. That's your personal taste. But I don't understand how you can hate someone you've never met and only seen maybe in interviews and on TV."

My point today is that I've seen a few articles over the last few years that all seem to suggest that all Delta Goodrem fans are bogans. And I take offence to that implication. And I'm also slightly confused.

A bogan, according to Wikipedia (yes, it has its own Wikipedia page), is defined as:

"an individual who is recognised to be from an unsophisticated background or someone whose limited education, speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplifies a lack of manners and education."
 The most recent article I've found, which inspired me to write this post, was in WA Today and written by comedian Xavier Toby as he talked about penguins and racism. This does actually make sense if you read the article, and also raised the awesome point of, "Penguin Books [which] makes no sense, because penguins can't read." LOL.

However, the end of the article finished with this quote,

"just because you notice that someone is wearing happy pants and an Ed Hardy shirt, reading Delta Goodrem's biography, and has a car with a personalised number plate and a My Family sticker,"
Again, it makes sense in context. 

I am 22, well educated (Bachelor's Degree and a Post Graduate Degree), polite and generally well-developed human being. My family lives in a nice house and I don't think we match the description of "bogan" at all. Likewise, I know many Delta fans who are just like me.

So, where did this association between Delta Goodrem and bogan come from? Delta herself is from the Hills District in Sydney, which is a fairly high class area. 

I'm just a little confused. Can anyone shed some light on this please? Did "bogan" suddenly stop being seen as a bad thing and I didn't get the memo?


I went back and found some of the other Delta=Bogan articles I remembered and here a few select quotes from these articles:

Bogans on parade: "Today's bogans reside in huge neo-Georgian cubes with no eaves and seven plasma TVs, which were purchased on an 18-month interest-free plan. They read Zoo Weekly magazine and Twilight novels, idolise Delta Goodrem and tend to use malapropisms such as ''for all intensive purposes'' and ''escapegoats''. 

Bogans confused by Categate: "Several bogan heads exploded, some converted to Scientology, and a few sought refuge in the dulcet tones of Delta Goodrem."

This entire article from a site called Things Bogans Like

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