Sunday, June 17, 2012

Random Wicked Question #42

When Galinda "Galindafied" Elphaba in Popular, and took off her glasses, did she get her contacts off-stage, or did she just let Elphaba ruin her eyesight?

And just how bad are Elphaba's eyes really? Because we never see the glasses again, and if she were wearing contacts, I know you have to change them so often and such, and I don't know if Elphaba would be able to get contact lenses on the run...

I've always just imagined them as like reading glasses that she wears a lot. Like, I don't think she's blind without them. Because otherwise, that's kinda mean of Galinda, especially if she didn't get contacts.


I'm sorry. My mind wanders occasionally.

1 comment:

  1. Well for one thing, I think that Elphaba chose to stop wearing the glasses herself, because it's this huge dramatic thing Galinda does when she puts Elphaba's glasses back on, unless there's a part of the song where the glasses come off for good, which I've forgotten as I've seen the show once, over a year and a half ago.
    But I agree that they were probably reading glasses, and assuming that the amount of time that passed IRL(or in IRL Wicked world) was about the same time as onstage, it can be assumed that Elphaba went straight from being Galinda-fied with the Lion Cub scene, to Not That Girl, to One Short Day, wherein, she didn't have as much time to read (if any) things up close for prolonged amounts of time - whereas at Shiz, where she was vastly unpopular and had lots of time to study and read, she probably just thought it easier to leave them on all the time.
    Wow, I sounded smart for twenty seconds. BTW, I doubt they have contacts in Oz. Just doesn't seem likely.
