Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some times a girl just needs to vent

I have 2 younger sisters and a younger brother. They are 21, 17 and 16 respectively. I love being a big sister, and as much as they bug me (because that's what siblings do), I love them heaps. I always try hard to be a good sister.

Saturday is my sister's 21st birthday party. It's a garden party and the theme is pastels. I don't usually wear pastels, so I've been searching for a dress for about a week. 

I finally bought one on Monday afternoon.

Excuse the hair- I'd just gotten off a plane.

Well, today I got a text message from my sister saying "please don't wear that dress to my party. You always  do this. It's my 21st and can I please just have this one to be individual and different. I am very upset."

I was most confused by the "you always do this" because I wasn't exactly sure what is is I apparently "always" do. 

So, I rang her and was told that she'd had her outfit planned for months, which I just found out, is mint green and white. I told her, truthfully, I had no knowledge of what she'd planned to wear, literally until I'd gotten her text message.

Then I asked what she meant by "you always do this."

Her answer was that "whenever I have something, you and N (our other sister) always get something similar."

This is not true, at least in my case. But her thing is that when she likes a movie, actor, TV show, clothing style, etc no one, specifically us, is supposed to like the same thing. 

If I buy/like something it usually has two reactions:
1. "That's stupid/sucks."
2. "You can't like that, I like that."

First of all, this is ridiculous. I don't care if people or my siblings like the same things I do, in fact, I like sharing my interests with them. 

And secondly, we share genes!! It's not impossible that we have similar tastes in some stuff. There's also plenty of stuff we don't have in common, but it's at the stage now where it is assumed anything I like is immediately "stupid." 

I was (and still am) actually hurt by this. She does tend to have the mentality that she is the centre of the universe at times, and it's upsetting.

Most of all, I feel like everything I do goes unappreciated. As I said, I try really hard to be a good sister. And I don't even get a thank you. 

I don't choose to like things because she does. I like what I like. I can't help that if she likes it also.

I just bought the box series of a TV show that I like, but have never really seen much of. When I showed her, she called me an "interest thief", because she also likes that show.

This is also the sister who last week called me "emotionally unstable" because I cry in books, movies, TV shows, etc. Well, I cry a lot. 

My sister thinks the only acceptable reasons for crying is if someone dies or about things such as prejudice and war. 

I asked her if she'd never cried in a song, and she said she had if it was a Christian song and it moved her to tears. 

I debated whether or not to blog about this, because honestly, it feels like I'm being petty. But I just needed to get this off my chest.

It really upset me, that she feels like she can tell me what to like; or that she got upset with me for wearing a dress when I had no idea she was planning on wearing something a similar colour, or I wouldn't have bought it.

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