Friday, September 3, 2021

Christmas Fic Trope List: This or That

 I love a good, mildly cheesy romance. If you've read any of my fics, I'm sure this shocks you. 

I mean, I have my limits (eg. I love the movie Letters to Juliet, but I cringe every time I hear that last line); but I love a good Hallmark romance movie, Netflix movie or books I can buy for like $5 on my Kindle and read in maybe an hour. 

There's always so many more of them at Christmas, with their own tropes that come with them. I thought it could be fun to have a go at writing one, but have other people (ie you reading this) pick the tropes that the story employs. 

You get to pick ONE (either green or blue) from each row of the list below. Fill in the Google Form here

My hope is obviously to have this finished to post around Christmas. 

But Real Life just handed me this big change, which is going to take up a lot of time and energy, so if I'm not going to finish it in time, I'll save it for Christmas 2022. 

Want to do this yourself, but maybe want to use different tropes than what I picked? TV Tropes is your go-to! 

Here's a list of Romance Novel Tropes
Here's a list of Love Tropes
Here's a list of Romance Novel Plot Tropes
Here's a list of Christmas Tropes

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