Friday, September 22, 2017

After Forever

If you're reading this, there's a good chance you've just read the first chapter of my new Fiyeraba fic, After Forever.

In which case, let me start off by saying: I am so sorry!

I did not want to write this story. Ok, that's a lie. I kinda did.

But when I first had the idea, my first thought was "I have to write this." My second was "People are going to kill me."

That was in August 2014. Life, work and other stories meant it took me a while to actually get around to writing this.

I don't remember when I actually started writing it, but I know March 2016 I was on Chapter 3, so I'm guessing it was early that year.

I can admit, I procrastinated. This was a hard story to write. Namely because, until I got to about chapter 21 (there are 31 total, just FYI), I genuinely did not know if Elphaba and Fiyero would get back together or not by the end.

And I'm not telling you now if they do or not. You'll just have to keep reading.

It was an emotional fic to write. I cried, a lot.

But I really felt the need to write this story.

So, a few notes:

  • I have never had marriage/relationship counselling. Obviously, because I'm not married or in a relationship. Although I have seen a psychologist regularly on my own, for about a year and a half. 
  • Again, there's 31 chapters total. 
  • I am currently on holiday in the US for 2 weeks, so please bear with me if I don't update as frequently. 
Also, this is the first fic I've written that has it's own Spotify playlist! Every chapter title is a song. Sometimes it fit really well, sometimes there was just a poignant lyric that I felt fit the chapter, sometimes the song just gave me the right vibe I wanted. 

I'll post the link to each song on my Twitter account (@carlie_dawn) when I upload the chapter. Of course, the title and artist are written at the bottom of every chapter, and I encourage you to have a listen.

If there is a song that you feel works for the chapter, please let me know in your review, and I'll check it out. I may even add it to the playlist! 

When the story is complete, I'll share the complete playlist (your suggestions included). 

Happy reading(?)

PS. Side note regarding research- It was actually really hard to find articles on separation that weren't "you should save your marriage because God says divorce is bad."
Like, can you imagine saying that to Elphaba? Her face... man, the mental image makes me laugh. 

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