Friday, June 20, 2014

Fanfiction Fans: A new Facebook Page

So, if you're reading this you've either stumbled on to my blog somehow (which somehow always surprises me, even after 2 years of having said blog) or you've just read my Author's Note for chapter 15 (technically it's the 16th chapter posted but as chapter 1 was the prologue, I'm referring to it as ch 15, ok?) of Ghost of Kiamo Ko.

Which means if you read the aforementioned AN, you're here about my new Facebook page. So, there is the link and here is some information about it.

Dude, you already run 2 Facebook pages. 
Yes. Yes, I do.

Ozian is an official langugage was created because when editing my Facebook profile one day, I was outraged you can claim Simlish, Pirate and Sarcasm as "Languages I speak" but not Ozian, which is totally a language. And since then, it's really developed into a Wicked fangirling page for myself, so I don't annoy all my non-Wicked fans Facebook friends. Where I try and use as much as the Ozian vocab as possible, because it's fun.

I am still very proud of the Wicked Debating Society page, even if it hasn't taken off as much as I would have liked, and quite often has a habit of falling into "Carlie is stuck on a fanfiction and needs some help". But the point of it was because talking in-depth about Wicked (as in plot, characters, etc) is fun and quite frankly, 140 characters on Twitter is not enough. I think mostly I'm just proud of the profile/cover pic.... still.

What is the point of this page?
There are actually several points to this page.

  1. You can recommend good (or bad if you want) fanfics you are reading/have read.
  2. You can discuss/question/rant about issues regarding fanfic in general.
  3. If you have an idea for a fic, but it's not something you feel strongly enough about to want to write yourself, you can donate it to the page in case someone is looking for an idea.
Do fics have to be Wicked related?
Nope. Any fandom, pairing, genre you want. You never know who will be interested. For instance, I'm reading a quite good Harry Potter parody fic I've found (the first parody fic I've actually enjoyed), and posted said link on the page. Of course, I'm sure there will be many Wicked fics on there, but any and all is welcome.

So, this page isn't about your fanfiction?
No. I'm sure at some point I will be posting about my own stuff, but no. This is just a page for those who like reading, writing and talking about fanfiction.
I have debated in the past establishing a Facebook page for my own writing but a few things keep stopping me. Mainly,
a) Would anyone be actually interested?
b) Is it weird (or stuck up) if I do that? Or is it just marketing myself as an author on as many platforms  of social media as I can? 

In conclusion, check out the page! And get involved! 

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