Saturday, July 13, 2013

20 facts about my brother

This was a trending topic on twitter, so I thought I'd do a quick blog post on it.

  1. My brother is my favourite sibling (don't tell my sisters).
  2. When I was little, I don't even know if mum was already pregnant with him or not, but I wished on a star for a little brother. And then Mitch was born. I like that story. He does not.
  3. One of my earliest memories is seeing him right after he was born.
  4. I got my brother into Harry Potter by telling him there was a dragon in it (he was obsessed with dinosaurs and dragons at this stage). I then ended up reading the first 2 books to him. 
  5. He read the Twilight books when he saw the trailer for the first movie, but he refuses to read The Hunger Games, which is weird, because those books are way better written.
  6. Considering he has 3 older sisters, he knows quite a lot about chick flicks and all that type of stuff. It's funny to hear him talking about the plot of The Notebook or something, haha.
  7. When he was like 3 we went camping in Oberon and my dad convinced him there was a serial killer who lived in the drains. It was hilarious. 
  8. He hates when I call him my 'little brother', thinking that because he's now 17 and way taller than me, that the term no longer applies. (He's totally wrong. He's always going to be my little brother. Deal with it). 
  9. He's really smart. Especially at maths and stuff.
  10. He's also really good at PlayStation and all those games. Has been since he was little.
  11. He's a dork. And I say that in the best possible way. Meaning he's just like my dad.
  12. Mitch is the only sibling who gives me hugs occasionally. So he automatically gets sibling points.
  13. He pretty much eats anything. It's an infamous story in our family of the time he drank milk and pepsi together. Even he admits it was gross.
  14. He's kind of obsessed with vanilla coke and mountain dew (not together). 
  15. He had the choice to go see Wicked or to go Canberra back in 2010. He chose Canberra. So he lost a few sibling points there (kidding. But I was just like 'what on earth are you thinking?!').
  16. He loves Family Guy and How I met your mother (especially Barney and the whole suit thing). But he grew out of Big Bang Theory claiming it wasn't funny. At that point, I thought he'd hit his head somewhere).
  17. Until lately, he claimed he had never seen any classic Disney movies or The Wizard of Oz, despite the fact we grew up in the same house. I rectified that situation. It's most likely he saw them but doesn't remember them. He's smart, but his memory is shocking. But he can quote all Family Guy scenes. 
  18. When he was little, he'd watch all the Miss Universe and Miss USA type shows with us, haha. You can blame that on being the only boy with 3 sisters and a mum when my dad used to work weekends. So it was either watch them with us, or be alone. But I don't think the pretty girls hurt either, LOL
  19. He practically worshipped Joey Johns when he was little. It's like the only reason he supported the Knights in the NRL. He's kind of indifferent now.
  20. Every school holidays my sisters and I would break out the Barbies and spread over the house. Sometimes he'd play with us, because otherwise he'd be left out. But there were many instances we had dinosaurs co-residing with our Barbies. LOL
So my brother is kind of awesome and I love him. That's it.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of both myself and my mom. I have a younger brother - he used to play barbies with me because he didn't want to feel left out. I was a little bit bossy (at least he always claims I was), so I often ended up deciding what games we would play. One time I was watching a barbie movie, and my brother wanted to watch it with me, but my mom told him to let me watch it alone. I don't really know why, as I would not have minded if he had watched it with me.

    My mom grew up with two brothers, but not only were they both younger than she, but they had a different dad than my mom (their dad was my mom's step dad). As a result, she often felt left out.

    I enjoyed reading about your brother! :) I wish I had sisters. I think it's nice that he discusses things like the plot of The Notebook. I think being around three sisters would help give him another perspective. My brother is also good at math. And he also eats weird stuff - maybe it's a younger brother thing lol.
